Fresh starts and bad juju

So much is going on right now.

We had our latest visitation this last weekend.

As it was he came to the house and took them grocery shopping with a list he asks for but doesn't adhere to completely. He decides at the store if the purchase for each item is valid or not. On both days he stays at our house, takes them on errands with the inlaws, but they aren't allowed in the house after the Uncle Jackhole fiasco from a couple of weeks ago.

Saturday, Oldest had a come to Jesus with him after he pulled his latest stunts at Walmart. Actually what happened is that Oldest became disgusted with the behavior, came home and just steered clear until Stoic walked into the room where he was and asked him what his problem was. Oldest then proceeded to give it to him with both barrels. "I'm sick of this, Dad. You trying to hurt mom is mostly hurting us." was the opening line and according to Daughter the conversation went on for about an hour. Oldest finally went outside and Stoic followed, which is unusual for him pre stroke, but all bets are off. His TBI has made it hard to predict what he does or why. Anyway, apparently, Oldest periodically broke it down for his Dad when he said stupid or untrue things with the universal reply for matters of that sort by saying "Bullshit. That's bullshit." Again what with a TBI, Oldest did not go flying across the room for that kind of language usage, though I did take it up with him later. I know he's fed up and he better cuss behind our back like any other self respecting teenager.

Still I understand his frustration. Stoic wouldn't release my phone number and hung up the other smart phone we have that was supposed to be Oldest's and he had no good reason for it other than assholery. He told Oldest that the phone went down because I didn't pay the bill (which was what instigated his first BULLSHIT.) Noooo. Stoic cancelled the payment i made via our Discover card when he emptied our bank account, didn't tell me and then also changed the password so I couldn't repay it. Oldest was hot. That boy has a temper. Hmmm no idea where he gets it.

In other news I had to go to church since the kids served at Mass and so I sat in the back with Little Guy and listened to my mother in law lead the choir and perform the responsorials. Seems the Universe thought it would be cool if we had a homily on loyalty in marriage and how the lack of loyalty is what causes marriage to die. Icing on the cake was the second reading which was the same one we had at our wedding twenty years ago about women obeying their husbands and husbands loving their wives like they do the Church, leaving their father and mother and cleaving to their wife.

I took Little Guy up for communion. I don't practice this religion anymore so I didn't take communion, but I made sure I looked Stoic's mother in the eye as I passed her at the altar in all her sanctimony.

Good times.

School is going well for the kids, Oldest is kicking Cross Country ass and looking way too Abercrombie and Fitch good looking with his six pack and negative 8% body fat. Oy vey, the girls are already calling way too much that and him moving a little different since he stood up to his Dad may be creating a monster!lol

Daughter, Second and Little Guy are doing well, too as long as I make sure I am there when they get out of school and we stick to a schedule and they have some down time. I just finished emailing all their teachers about school related stuff. I want to stay on top of it with them. They are ready to move to Galveston, which I think will happen sooner rather later. Stoic wants HIS house back and given that he feels like he has lost everything else, I'm guessing this is a hill he is willing to fight on. That's fine. Give me a fair settlement, quit telling me you aren't paying child support  and have that house lock stock and barrel. Aside from personal items I could care less. Fresh starts call for fresh things without the bad juju.

As for Knight. What can I say? It has been going well and thankfully the kids really seem to like him. He's low key and able to talk to them in a way they understand. He definitely is a calming influence for all of us.

Tomorrow is the hearing. I don't see it being a big laughfest. Yesterday Tony fell to one knee coming into the house and I automatically reached to help him up. If his reaction is any indication, the proceedings won't be very comfortable for anyone, but it is what it is. The sooner we get this over with, the better, especially for the kids. They are innocent in all of this.


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