A for effort

Here is the latest assholery...

Oh but, before we go into THAT, did I mention he called me at 5:59am this morning to, I assume, think he was busting me for Knight's truck being in the driveway before 6am?

Nice try, Stoic, but last night, Knight was on a major call with the Marine Dive Team, which he commands, AND I WENT WITH HIM TO GALVESTON, in case it wound up not taking all night. It was his night off and we were hoping to salvage our plans which is why I went. Laws of Physics and cloning limitations make it difficult to drive a police vehicle AND a personal one at the same time, but I appreciate Stoic's impression of his current super powers. I think Knight's pretty cool myself. I'll be sure to pass on Stoic's high esteem and regards.

A for effort .
Next time I see Stoic, he gets a sticker!

And now to our regularly scheduled idiocy.

Stoic: Comcast said that $294.16 is due by Sept 8 or service will be cutoff 

Me: It was not something we agreed I'd pay. I"ll front load the kids so they know to expect it.  Maybe when you are enjoying cable each night at your mom's house,  they can tell you what they would like recorded and they can watch it on your weekends. The lack of  internet will be a bigger challenge since they use it for school. At any rate, Tony, I guess it will be cut off, but I don't think that is really a surprise for either of us.


  1. Is there not some way to make sure he pays for it since it will be used for school? That really stinks Hope!

  2. Divorce is always ugly but yours seems particularly unpleasant... Sigh... Be strong & remember that you have so many people pulling for you

  3. Your divorce is ugly because you are not dealing with Stoic. He hasn't the balls or the gumption to do any of this. You are fighting his mom and sisters and the rest of the family...who will not have a poker in the fire. It is easy to tell him what to do when it doesn't cost them a thing. He is just a pawn in their hatred for you. I recommend claymores and an uzi.


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