Bird dogged

School is going well. They are a huge challenge behaviorally, but I enjoy it and frankly, I'm good with knuckleheads...


Okay...USUALLY good.

My only bump in the road was today when I left a faculty meeting I didn't find out about until noon time to attend a meeting at my children's school. The Assistant Principal, immediately birddogged me out and WTFd me in so many words.

I explained what I just told you. She then reiterated her issue (BUT THIS IS A FACULTY MEETING!)) which is what people do when you haven't complied (READ HERE: turned around and gone back into the meeting properly chastized,) to which I answered that I wasn't on faculty, I was a sub with no computer priveleges,email accounts or GISD system access--not faculty meaning not privy to memos, emails or team meetings nor was I being compensated for those hours. I politely and cheerfully pointed out that I had been more than happy to give her an hour and a half of my personal time as it was and just simply couldn't accomodate her further by staying longer having had no notice of the meeting in the first place and therefore time to make adjustments. She looked at me for a moment, said, "OOOOOKAY." Which was code for "You're in big trouble missy. Just wait til I take this to the principal" and left.

Later after MY meeting and picking up my kids on two campuses, I went back by and spoke with the principal about being called out, explained the situation and she apologized to me. Apparently the job is on the table and I need to apply.

Holy crap.

This boundary stuff is a trip.


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