Or not
Knight had his kids this weekend. His oldest son is not happy about his Dad and another woman. Most 12 year olds wouldn't be. My kids have had more time to adjust. Still, sometimes the BS his wife fomentd in her son is so angering. My heart goes out to him and his young mind and then i find my skin get thin from the beating I take as a result of that same young mind.
Work has gotten ok. Not great. I prefer working with a male boss, but, I had my post observation and while I knew it wouldn't be great, I dont think they are going to not renew my contract. I do have a lot to learn and I need to humble myself and learn it.
I'm holed up in a little icehouse near my house. Kids are at games and activities and Knight is asleep. I promised myself I would not bring home a ton of work. One, I fall asleep while attempting, nay looking at it and two, I cannot handle the challenge these disadvantaged kids are with no sleep.
See? You are learning, Hope. Maybe you will figure this all out while it still matters. Or not.
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