I think I'm on the downside of worry where my job is concerned. They will be moving me to second grade next year, if all goes as they think it will. That is fine by me. It will take me out of the firing line STAAR test wise and give me time to adjust to elementary. The principal at the junior high knows I want a position there and if something opens up, I still might take it. That school is a whole five minutes away, almost three times as far as where I travel now! I'll take what is offered and assume that is where I am meant to be. The kids have been getting an ungodly amount of work. Projects, science fairs and the like. Currently I am at a late night job with Knight working on typing up their Science Fair since neither would finish until Christmas were I to let them type it. Tomorrow Little Guy's teacher is getting an ass chewing for a myriad of reasons. In a nutshell, as an educator, she leaves much to be desired. Naturally, so do I at this point. I have much to learn...
I deleted all my social media. Is blogging social media? I dunno. I do know I've had a nagging sense to resume journaling. I reread my old posts tonight like some kind of reluctant voyeur. This makes sense since I'm also rather reluctant to write as well. Writing lays it right on out there where you can see yourself and feel really stupid denying what's there or chagrined at acknowledging all the messy parts. There's probably good parts to it as well, but I'm not clear on the metrics for what makes it good. Time has taught me the definition can shift. It's been 10 years since I left a 22 year marriage. I've blinked and now I'm 9 years into my second.
I officially have a job next year on this campus. I just came back from signing the contract. It's a be careful what you wish for situation. THIS IS A HARD JOB. This is the hardest job I have ever had. Which sort of fits the whole take it up the ass, do everything the hard way, roll snake eyes everytime kind of year I had last year. meh sokay. I'm a junior high school teacher by trade, looks like I am going to second grade. Ever play whack-a-mole at Chuck E. Cheese? It's like that only louder, less organized and sometimes the moles throw stuff at you, question your birth legitimacy and play with lighters in the bathroom. I teach in the 'hood. I don't mean that disparagingly. Our community has many socio-economically disadvantaged kiddos. I like a lot of aspects about that. It feels like it is where I am supposed to be. Did I mention it is a really hard job? Good. Because it is. These seven and eight year olds could bring a Marine to ...
Thinking of you and your family, hoping you are all safe.