Mother's Day, 8 Teenagers and Impending Payback

I'm hosting a party for my 14 year old.

A sleepover after his 8th grade dance.
They are still up.
It's 3:43 am.

Happy Mother's Day to me!

Nothing like 8 teenagers in the house,
writing phallic symbols on the first one asleep,
eating everything in sight
and clearing up what "tea baggging" means.

I love my kids.
I love that we are five blocks from the Gulf.
I'm kinda pleased with myself for managing to keep them in their school,
they are getting a great stepdad
and they have friends I like
and don't mind having over
at 3 am.

Happy Mommy's Day to all the other mommies.
If anyone has advice on how my son gets the penis my other son helped his friends drew on his cheek,
hit me up.
I've already warned the perpetrator that Penis Face gets ten minutes of mom looking the other way while he goes Taliban on 'em.

Gotta protect the natural order of the Universe.


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