This ought to be interesting
I'm offline on Facebook for a while.
Divorce reasons on Knight's end.
And I have a tendency to shoot my mouth off first
and then think better of it later.
That makes for some car wreck kind of entertainment,
true enough,
but way too tempting when I'm already trying to keep from punching people in the neck
while suffering from the mental promiscuity that I do.
Mental promiscuity.
No better place than Blogger for that. :)
Well...and it's best for the kids and it forces me to write more.
Which is good
for me, I mean.
It may or may not be good for you,
depending on where you are on the Give a Rat's Ass About What Hope Says Continuum.
FB made it easier, like fast food writing, if you will.
Blogger requires a few more brain cells.
I know some folks have followed me over here.
I know that now that I'm not anonymous anymore, that the people who I was anonymous because of might find me, too.
That was NOT a grammatically or syntactically correct,
but neither was that whole Continuum thing,
I digress.
(And I probably will again.)
I've been hitting other blogs and commenting again.
Trying to catch up with everything.
It's bound to get around that I'm writing.
I went from mommy blogger, to milsupport blogger, to worse than a made for Lifetime Movie blogger to a few other less stellar facets of the person I was learning to be--still learning to be. SLow is smooth, smooth is fast, someone told me once.
And I believe it.
I just don't always adhere to it.
I also don't regret a shred of the last seven years or so, (ok maybe the parts that made me look like the biggest hot mess ever, but only because I was one and nobody likes to be reminded of that,) but am I glad things have leveled off. I hit some high ground where I can look back and see where I've been and forward to see where I might be going.
Some may have some things to say.
People who moved in one or two or even all of those facets of my life will meet me here where I am now
still in my own life, but maybe more comfortable.
Which is how it should be.
This ought to be interesting :)

Divorce reasons on Knight's end.
And I have a tendency to shoot my mouth off first
and then think better of it later.
That makes for some car wreck kind of entertainment,
true enough,
but way too tempting when I'm already trying to keep from punching people in the neck
while suffering from the mental promiscuity that I do.
Mental promiscuity.
No better place than Blogger for that. :)
Well...and it's best for the kids and it forces me to write more.
Which is good
for me, I mean.
It may or may not be good for you,
depending on where you are on the Give a Rat's Ass About What Hope Says Continuum.
FB made it easier, like fast food writing, if you will.
Blogger requires a few more brain cells.
I know some folks have followed me over here.
I know that now that I'm not anonymous anymore, that the people who I was anonymous because of might find me, too.
That was NOT a grammatically or syntactically correct,
but neither was that whole Continuum thing,
I digress.
(And I probably will again.)
I've been hitting other blogs and commenting again.
Trying to catch up with everything.
It's bound to get around that I'm writing.
I went from mommy blogger, to milsupport blogger, to worse than a made for Lifetime Movie blogger to a few other less stellar facets of the person I was learning to be--still learning to be. SLow is smooth, smooth is fast, someone told me once.
And I believe it.
I just don't always adhere to it.
I also don't regret a shred of the last seven years or so, (ok maybe the parts that made me look like the biggest hot mess ever, but only because I was one and nobody likes to be reminded of that,) but am I glad things have leveled off. I hit some high ground where I can look back and see where I've been and forward to see where I might be going.
Some may have some things to say.
People who moved in one or two or even all of those facets of my life will meet me here where I am now
still in my own life, but maybe more comfortable.
Which is how it should be.
This ought to be interesting :)

Maybe my comments will work this time. I know you are in a better place just by the tone of your writing. Happy, Happy, Happy as Phil would say. (Duck Dynasty) If some of the old ass-wipes show up, ignore them as they are sad, desperate people and need pity or an old fashion ass-wooping.