To Do List

The week has been a blur of science fair projects and book reports and I am not talking about my work. Tony et al will start stepping up and start helping out. This whole fantasy camp on the weekends are great for him, but the confuse the hell out of the kids.

It's classic divorce bullshit.
I get it.

He's Disney Dad with a Brain Injury.
Eating out.
No chores.
No responsibilities.
No accountability.
Family taking up the slack...
Yes, I parent by committee, but that is another story.
Suffice to say here it makes for 
Kiddie Freaking Nirvana at times
I'm Custodial Bitch.
family meetings,
earning spending money,
You know,
regular growing upstuff
and with their Dad?
Not so much.

Exhibit A:
When f
Stoic came here the first time to pick up and drop off,
an hour after he got home I get this hateful email about how
"it's not enough for me to say I have it in hand
Have I bothered to give the children any gun safety lessons?
Are the guns locked up?"

Typical Stoic.
Talk to your kids for crying out loud.

If you did,
you would know that
not only have they,
they have for about the LAST YEAR,
and that your eight year old was firing rifles, semis and pistols four days ago
when we went on the first camping trip they had ever been on. more ranting about that... 

At work we are on a State test countdown which has gotten pretty ridiculous, but well, there it is. State tests are always ridiculous.

Tonight I went to Knight's daughter's school play. His ex was pissed that he brought me and thought it was totally wrong. I didn't talk to her nor did Layne. It was something I read on the text he showed me which  she sent him in the cafetorium where the play was.

Oh well.
We have two seriously pissed off exs.
No big newsflash there.
Last night I went by the old house to pick up my second car and found a big note from him taped to the house about getting the hell out.


Sooner or later they will adjust.

Or not.

Not much I can do about that.

Just as well.
Like I need another item on my to do list.


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